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Model-based dose calculations for COMS eye plaque brachytherapy using an anatomically realistic eye phantom

Published in Medical Physics, 2018

Purpose: To investigate the effects of the composition and geometry of ocular media and tissues surrounding the eye on dose distributions for COMS eye plaque brachytherapy with(125)I, (103)Pd, or (131)Cs seeds, and to investigate doses to ocular structures.

Recommended citation: M. Lesperance, M. Inglis-Whalen, and R. M. Thomson, Model-based dose calculations for COMS eye plaque brachytherapy using an anatomically realistic eye phantom , Med. Phys. 41(2) (2013) 021717

Renormalization of dijet operators at order 1/Q² in soft-collinear effective theory

Published in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018

We make progress towards resummation of power-suppressed logarithms in dijet event shapes such as thrust, which have the potential to improve high-precision fits for the value of the strong coupling constant. Using a newly developed formalism for Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), we identify and compute the anomalous dimensions of all the operators that contribute to event shapes at order 1/Q². These anomalous dimensions are necessary to resum power-suppressed logarithms in dijet event shape distributions, although an additional matching step and running of observable-dependent soft functions will be necessary to complete the resummation. In contrast to standard SCET, the new formalism does not make reference to modes or λ-scaling. Since the formalism does not distinguish between collinear and ultrasoft degrees of freedom at the matching scale, fewer subleading operators are required when compared to recent similar work. We demonstrate how the overlap subtraction prescription extends to these subleading operators.

Recommended citation: R. Goerke and M. Inglis-Whalen, Renormalization of dijet operators at order 1/Q² in soft-collinear effective theory, JHEP 05 (2018) 023, [1711.09147]

Rapidity Logarithms in SCET Without Modes

Published in Nuclear Physics A, 2021

We re-examine observables with rapidity divergences in the context of a formulation of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory in which infrared degrees of freedom are not explicitly separated into modes. We consider the Sudakov form factor with a massive vector boson and Drell-Yan production of lepton pairs at small transverse momentum as demonstrative examples. In this formalism, rapidity divergences introduce a scheme dependence into the effective theory and are associated with large logarithms appearing in the soft matching conditions. This scheme dependence may be used to derive the corresponding rapidity renormalization group equations, and rates naturally factorize into hard, soft and jet contributions without the introduction of explicit modes.

Recommended citation: M. Inglis-Whalen, M. Luke and A. Spourdalakis, Rapidity logarithms in SCET without modes, Nucl. Phys. A 1014 (2021) 122260, [2005.13063]

Factorization of Power Corrections in the Drell-Yan Process in EFT

Published in Physical Review D, 2021

We examine the quark-induced Drell-Yan process at next-to-leading power (NLP) in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory. Using an approach with no explicit soft or collinear modes, we discuss the factorization of the differential cross section in the small-qT hierarchy with q²≫qT²≫ΛQCD². We show that the cross section may be written in terms of matrix elements of power-suppressed operators T(i,j), which contribute to O(qT²/q²) coefficients of the usual parton distribution functions. We derive a factorization for this observable at NLP which allows the large logarithms in each of the relevant factors to be resummed. We discuss the cancellation of rapidity divergences and the overlap subtractions required to eliminate double counting at next-to-leading power.

Recommended citation: M. Inglis-Whalen, M. Luke, J. Roy and A. Spourdalakis, Factorization of Power Corrections in the Drell-Yan Process in EFT, Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 076018, [2105.09277]



Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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