Rapidity Logarithms in SCET Without Modes

Published in Nuclear Physics A, 2021

Recommended citation: M. Inglis-Whalen, M. Luke and A. Spourdalakis, Rapidity logarithms in SCET without modes, Nucl. Phys. A 1014 (2021) 122260, [2005.13063]

We re-examine observables with rapidity divergences in the context of a formulation of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory in which infrared degrees of freedom are not explicitly separated into modes. We consider the Sudakov form factor with a massive vector boson and Drell-Yan production of lepton pairs at small transverse momentum as demonstrative examples. In this formalism, rapidity divergences introduce a scheme dependence into the effective theory and are associated with large logarithms appearing in the soft matching conditions. This scheme dependence may be used to derive the corresponding rapidity renormalization group equations, and rates naturally factorize into hard, soft and jet contributions without the introduction of explicit modes.

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