

Try these models yourself!

Natural Language Processing

Movie Review Sentiment ▶️

A small project for me to learn how to deploy models to a server. Here a simple bag-of-words model predicts the overall sentiment of a user-provided movie review. Try it out yourself or read more about the model at the GitHub repository!
Curve Fitting

MIW's AutoFit ▶️

Don't know which functional model best fits your 1D-data? MIW's AutoFit will let you know! This multiplatform GUI is compatible with Windows, MacOSX, and Ubuntu. An online demo is available here. Downloads and implementation details are available in this GitHub repository, or check out the tutorial here.

Exploratory Analysis and Predictive Modelling

Recipe Site Traffic Using data generated by DataCamp for its Professional Certification exam, this notebook explores how different features of online recipes affect a recipe's popularity. Two models are compared in order to best predict which recipes should be chosen for the front page in order to drive more traffic to the site.
Fitness Class Truancy Using data generated by DataCamp for its Associate Certification exam, this notebook looks at how various factors affect the class attendance for various gym members. Two simple models are compared in order to best predict which bookings will result in the member not attending the class, allowing more spots to be created for other paying members.


ClusterByDensity (R) -- Clustering Points in 2D
An R package which implements a clustering algorithm for 2D point-spread datasets. Additional functionality includes data visualization through scatterplots, heatmaps, and superimposed ellipsoidal clusters.